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1. Colditz GA, Bennett DL, Tappenden J, Beers C, Ackermann N, Wu N, Luo J, Humble S, Linnenbringer E, Davis K, Jiang S, Toriola AT. (2022). Joanne Knight Breast Health Cohort at Siteman Cancer Center: A model last cohort. Cancer Cause & Control. [PMID][DOI]
2. Jiang S, Cook RJ. (2022). The polytomous discrimination index for prediction involving multistate processes under intermittent observation. Statistics in Medicine. 41(10), 3661 - 3678. [PMID][DOI][Software
3. Strand SH, et al. (2022). The Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN) Breast PreCancer Atlas: A multi-omic integrative analysis of ductal carcinoma in situ with clinical outcomes. [DOI]
4. Anandarajah A, Chen Y, Stoll CR, Hardi A, Jiang S, Colditz GA. (2022+). Use of repeated mammograms to evaluate risk of breast cancer: a systematic review of methods used in the literature. BMJ Open. Under Revision. [Preprint]
5. Shi H, Jiang S, Cao J. (2022). Dynamic prediction with time-dependent marker in survival analysis using supervised functional principal component analysis. Statistics in Medicine. 41(18), 3547 - 3560. [PMID][DOI]


1. Jiang S, Xie Y, Colditz GA. (2021). Functional ensemble survival tree: dynamic prediction of Alzheimer's disease progression accommodating multiple time-varying covariates. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics). 70(1), 66  79. [DOI[Software
2. Jiang S, Cao J, Rosner B, Colditz GA. (2021). Supervised two-dimensional functional principal component analysis with time-to-event outcomes and mammogram imaging data. Biometrics. [PMID][DOI][Software
3. Jiang S, Cao J, Colditz GA, Rosner B. (2021). Predicting the onset of breast cancer using mammogram imaging data with irregular boundary. Biostatistics[PMID[DOI][Software
4. Jiang S, Swanson D, Betensky RA. (2021). Estimation of the censoring distribution in clinical trials. Contemporary Clinical Trial Communications[DOI][Software
5. Jiang S, Colditz GA (2021). Prevention trials: Challenges in design, analysis, and interpretation of prevention trials. Piantadosi S,. Meinert C.L. (eds) Principal and Practice of Clinical Trials. Springer, Cham. [DOI]

6. Sanchez JS, Becker JA, Jacobs HIL, Hanseeuw BJ, Jiang S, Schultz AP,  Properzi MJ, Katz SR,  Beiser A, Satizabal C, O'Donnell A, DeCarli C, Killiany R, Fakhri GE, Normandin MD, Gomez-Isla T, Quiroz YT, Estime T, Rentz DM, Sperling RA, Seshadri S, Augustinack J, Price JC, Johnson KA. (2021). The cortical origin and Initial spread of medial temporal tauopathy in Alzheimer's disease assessed with Positron Emission Tomography. Science Translational Medicine. 13(577):eabc0655. [PMID][DOI]


1. Jiang S, Cook RJ, Zeng L. (2020). Mitigating bias from intermittent measurement of time-dependent covariates in failure time analysis. Statistics in Medicine, 39(13), 1833 – 1845. [PMID[DOI]

2. Jiang S, Cook RJ. (2020). Analysis of aggregate data from clustered multistate processes via composite likelihood. Communication in Statistics – Theory and Methods. 49(12), 2913 – 2930. [DOI] 

3. Jiang S, Cook RJ. (2020). Analysis of bivariate interval-censored failure times with dependent susceptibility. Statistics in Biosciences. 12(1), 37 – 62. [DOI]

4. Farrell ME*, Jiang S*, Schultz AP, Mormio EC, Betensky RA, Johnson KA, Sperling RA, Buckley RF. (2020). Defining the lowest threshold for amyloid-PET to predict future cognitive decline and amyloid accumulation. Neurology. 96(4), e619-e631. [*Co-first authorship] [PMID] [DOI]

5. Jiang S*, Xie Y*. (2020). Variable selection based on a two-stage projection pursuit algorithm. Bioinformatics, 188 – 193.[*Co-first authorship] [DOI

6. Wan F, Jiang S, Feng G, Miller P. (2020). Biostatistics as applied to Oncology. The Washington Manual of Oncology. Ramaswamy Govindan, 4th edition. [Book Chapter]
7. Park H, Sanjeevaiah A, Suresh R, Mehta R, Trikalinos N, Bagegni N, Aranha O, Pedersen K, Nixon A, Jin R, Mills J, Fields R. Amin M, Lim K, Tan B, Grierson P, Jiang, S, del Rosario M, Wang-Gillam A, Lockhart A. (2020). Ramucirumab and irinotecan in patients with previously treated gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma: interim analysis of a phase II trial. Annals of Oncology. 31(3): S132. [DOI]


1. Jiang S, Cook RJ. (2019). Score tests based on a finite mixture model of Markov processes under intermittent observation. Statistics in Medicine. 38(16), 3013 – 3025. [PMID] [DOI]

2. Jiang S. (2019). Prediction based on random survival forest. American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research. 6(2), 109 – 111. [DOI]

3. Rabin JS, Klein H, Kirn DR, Schultz AP, Yang HS, Hampton O, Jiang S, Buckley RA, Viswanathan A, Hedden T, Pruzin J, Yau WY, Velez EG, Quiroz YT, Poperzi M, Marshall GA, Rentz DM, Johnson KA, Sperling RA, Chhatwal JP. (2019). Associations of Physical Activity and β-Amyloid With Longitudinal Cognition and Neurodegeneration in Clinically Normal Older Adults. Journal of American Medical Association Neurology. 76(10), 1203–1210. [PMID] [DOI]

4. Manning LK, Papp KV, Hampton O, Scott MR, Uquillas FO, Jiang S, Rentz DM, Johnson KA, Sperling RA, Schultz AP. (2019). Associations of regional cortical thinning and longitudinal cognitive performance in the context of Amyloid in clinically normal older adults. Alzheimer's and Dementia. 15(7), 79–80. [DOI]

5. Rabin JS, Klein H, Kirn DR, Schultz AP, Yang HS, Hampton O, Jiang S, Buckley RA, Viswanathan A, Hedden T, Pruzin J, Yau WY, Velez EG, Quiroz YT, Poperzi M, Marshall GA, Rentz DM, Johnson KA, Sperling RA, Chhatwal JP. (2019). Protective effect of physical activity on prospective cognitive decline and longitudinal neurodegeneration in clinically normal older adults with elevated β-amyloid burden. Alzheimer's and Dementia. 15(7), 903–904. [DOI]


1. Jiang S, Cook RJ. (2018). Cost-effective design of growth studies with aggregation and tracking. Journal of Biometrics and  Biostatistics. 9(3), 406 - 411. [DOI]

2. Jiang S. (2018). Mixture models for coarsened multivariate failure time data. University of Waterloo. UWSpace.[Thesis]


I serve as reviewer for Annals of Applied Statistics, Biometrics, Statistics in Medicine, Science Advances, JNCI, Bioinformatic Advances, and BMC Medical Methodology Research.

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